Helping Out
PBI has taken on the initiative to try and give back to the community more. For our first event we helped out at the Folsom Food Bank sorting food.
PBI has taken on the initiative to try and give back to the community more. For our first event we helped out at the Folsom Food Bank sorting food.
The City of Roseville selected PBI from the On-Call Engineering Services list to support the design effort to replace three water mains that cross Highway 80. This project will be incorporated into Caltrans scheduled Highway 80 Improvements project.
PBI developed a four-year phasing plan to install over 3,000 customers with new water meters before 2025. Implementation of the plan began in 2020 with the designed and installation of over 900 new water meters. This project is ongoing.
PBI will prepare contract documents for the design of City of Sacramento’s Pump Outfall Replacement Project. The project entails the complete replacement of the pump discharge for three (3) drainage sump station facilities and partial replacement of the pump discharge pipe for five (5) drainage sump station facilities as well as condition assessment at six (6) drainage sump station facilities which penetrate various levee systems. The complete replacements include positive valve closures and associated structures as required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Central Valley Flood Protection Board.
PBI provided design and permitting services to develop two new well sites for California American Water. Design services include frontage improvements, storm and sewer connections, and above ground well and treatment facilities. Permitting services include County approvals for storm drain and sewer improvements and Planning Department approvals for merging parcels, use permits and building permits.
PBI was retained by Fair Oaks Water District to assess the condition of their transmission mains which total approximately 9 miles. PBI’s streamlined approach combines an initial desktop evaluation screening and limited field assessment followed by an alternatives analysis for repairing or replacing high priority mains.
PBI will prepare Operations Plans for two of the District’s facilities: Antelope Reservoir & Booster Pump Station and Watt/Elkhorn Reservoir & Booster Pump Station. While preparing the Operations Plans, PBI will work with District personnel to identify potential retrofits to each facility’s operation. Once approved by the District, PBI will design the operational retrofits, assist with bidding, and provide construction management for the installation of these improvements. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
PBI was retained by the City of Folsom to update the 2015 Non-Potable Water Analysis for the Folsom Plan Area (FPA) in conjunction with developing a hydraulic model for the non-potable water distribution system.
PBI is happy to announce we have grown. In 2020, we have added three new staff engineers.
PBI is happy to announce that staff engineer, Scott Putty, is the newest licensed drone pilot (FAA Part 107 Certified). PBI continues to offer aerial imaging as part of its ability to aid in the design and inspection of various projects. PBI offers the ability to create a 3D model, view the plant health, and obtain elevation data for the mapped area. The resulting 2D map can also be exported as high-resolution aerial imagery for GIS.
PBI staff and families enjoyed an evening at Top Golf in Roseville, CA. With plenty of good food and drinks for all, we got away for a little team rivalry. Friendly bets fueled the competition across the company for an exciting night out.
‘Tis the season! PBI celebrated the Holidays and the end of the year with friends and family at the Annual Holiday Party! 2019 was another great year and this is our way of saying thank you to our team for making this company successful every year. PBI wishes you and yours Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!!
PBI is proud to announce the return of Dave Murbach, Senior Engineer. Dave had previously worked for PBI from 2008 to 2017. With this prior experience, Dave is familiar with our clients allowing him to be integrated seamlessly into our ongoing and future projects. Dave brings over 30 years of experience in the water industry.
PBI celebrated another year with friends and family at the annual holiday party. This is our way of saying thank you to our team for making this company successful every year.
PBI celebrated its 13th anniversary with its annual golf tournament at Apple Mountain Golf Resort. This event is a way to thank our clients for another year of trusting in PBI’s engineering services with a friendly round of golf.
Karl Brustad, with a team of 3 others, won 1st place in the Association of California Water Agencies’ 8th annual Steve Hall Fierce Competitor Golf Tournament. The tournament consisted of 20 teams of four individuals playing to raise money for the ALS Foundation and Steven K. Hall Water Law and Policy Scholarship. This year more than $25,000 was donated to these charities.
During the 2018 Floodplain Management Association Conference, Dave Peterson received the Goddard Award for his article titled “When Did Protecting Lives Become Optional? – is “Investment” the right word for protecting lives?” in the August 2018 FMA newsletter. The article discusses and debates the question if repairs to life-protecting infrastructure should be considered an “investment” subject to benefit-cost analysis.
With the State of California mandating that many of the dams in the State have emergency action plans (EAP), PBI is now bringing our background in emergency flood plan development to dams. We are excited to work with Madera Irrigation District to create the EAP as well as inundation maps for Madera Lake Dam.
PBI is now bringing its extensive 2D hydraulic modeling expertise to dam breach analyses. With the State of California mandating that many of the dams in the State have inundation maps, PBI is now developing the models necessary to simulate catastrophic dam failures. We are excited to work with Tuolumne Utility District to create inundation maps for Phoenix Dam near Sonora, CA.
PBI has officially moved to their new home at 80 Blue Ravine Road, suite 280. We are still in Folsom but now our office is located directly next to beautiful Lake Natoma.
Brittney Salvador has joined PBI’s team as a Staff Engineer I.
Brittney is an Engineer in Training with experience in hydraulic modeling and design in the public and private sectors. She is proficient in HEC-RAS, ArcGIS, HEC-HMS, and AutoCAD.
Brittney enjoys spending time outdoors, running, camping, and traveling. When she is not outdoors, she enjoys reading and doing yoga.
California American Water has selected PBI to reactivate and update the Oakberry Well within the Lincoln Oaks community. PBI will be leading the design and management of this project which will provide safe, clean drinking water for the local community. PBI has worked with California American Water on several projects over the last decade and are excited to continue working closely with them to provide excellent engineering services.
PBI is proud to announce that Ashley Martin has earned her California State Professional Engineering license. Ashley started with PBI in 2014 as a staff engineer and has quickly excelled in infrastructure design and project management. As a valued member of our team, we would like to congratulate her on this professional milestone.
In partnership with CYS Structural Engineers, Inc., PBI has been awarded an on-call contract with the United States Army Corp of Engineers, Sacramento Division. Over the next 5 years, PBI will assist with hydraulic, hydrologic and other civil engineering tasks as needed.
PBI staff and families returned to Sly Park near Pollock Pines for the annual Summer camping trip.
PBI was awarded the Gold Village Drought Resilience Project by Yuba County. The project includes performing a groundwater feasibility study and the design and construction of a 255,000-gallon potable water storage tank. This project will provide short-term drought relief along with long-term water supply sustainability for the Gold Village community.
PBI was awarded an on-call fire flow analysis support contract with the City of Folsom. The project includes providing hydraulic fire flow modeling analysis to ensure required water pressure and flow to each fire hydrant in the City of Folsom’s water system.
PBI has been awarded the Water System Master Plan Update project for the Jenny Lind and Copper Cove water treatment plants by the Calaveras County Water District. The project includes using hydraulic modeling to locate deficiencies in the existing water supply system and predicting the future needs of the system. A list of proposed projects will be developed from the hydraulic study to help Calaveras County Water District meet current and future demands.
PBI has been awarded the Floodplain Mapping Service project by Colusa County. PBI will provide technical guidance and support to the County as they progress through FEMA floodplain certification and remapping of the region. This includes participating in FEMA’s LAMP process, reviewing existing H&H information provided by FEMA and conducting an independent H&H study to verify the results developed by FEMA.
Jacob Rowe joined PBI this week as a Staff Engineer. Jacob graduated with a B.S. in Environmental Resources Engineering from Humboldt State University in December where he conducted research in direct contact membrane distillation to minimize energy requirements in large scale systems.
Jacob is an Engineer in Training with experience modeling, designing, restoring, and managing water resources. He is proficient in HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS, ARCGIS, ROSA, BSTEM, and AutoCAD software.
Jacob enjoys spending his free time camping, fishing, cooking, traveling, and continuing his research in direct contact membrane distillation.
PBI has been awarded the second phase of the Alta Water Treatment Plant Towle Canal Intake project by the Placer County Water Agency. The project includes the design and coordination of the construction of a new intake pump and pipe system. This project will control the intake of the facility and ensure the water quality of the Alta Water Treatment Plant.
PBI, along with Kjeldsen, Sinnock and Neudeck, Inc. and Kim Floyd Communications, has been awarded the Flood Control Project Feasibility Study for the Upper Lake and Middle Creek regions. The project includes civil, hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, cost estimating and economic services to determine the feasibility of future flood control projects.
Peterson Brustad Inc. has been awarded a contract to relocate California American Water Company’s Isleton water pipeline determiend by the US Army Corps of Engineers to be within the levee prism. PBI will provide project management, design, bidding, and construction services for the project.
PBI has been awarded California American Water Company’s 2015 Well Rehabilitation Master Plan Update. PBI will meet with operations staff to ascertain recurring problems, system deficiencies, and determine the need for future well cleaning and improvements. A standardized checklist will be developed to verify and record functionality and age of critical equipment at each well site during above grade condition assessment visits. A 6-year Capital Improvements Plan will prioritize infrastructure improvements throughout Cal Am’s Sacramento area well system.
Peterson Brustad, Inc. has teamed with Tully and Young to prepare the City of Folsom’s 2015 Water Master Plan. PBI will review, update, and calibrate the City’s existing InfoWater hydraulic model, then analyze the City’s distribution system throughout the planning period. A 10-Year Capital Improvement program will recommend annually scheduled improvements based on priority.
Foresthill Public Utilities district selected PBI to provide project management, siting, and design for a new 1 million gallon tank at the Foresthill water treatemnt plant.
Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency’s Feather West Levee Project reduces flood risk by providing 200-year protection to urban areas including Yuba City, and 100-year protection to non-urban areas protected by the levees. DWR’s commitment to provide another $44 million enables SBFCA to construct the critical northern project segment.
PBI celebrated the holiday season at Sutter Street Steakhouse with family and friends for our 10th annual holiday dinner on December 5th.
California American Water Company selected Peterson Brustad, Inc. to provide design and construction management services for their Larkfield Pipeline Improvements Project.
PBI has been selected by California American water to provide design and construction management support for their Moonbeam Well Storm Drain Improvements Project.
PBI has been selected by PCWA to provide construction management services for their American River Pump Station Improvements Project.
PBI has been selected to provide construction management services for PCWA’s Lincoln Metering Station and Hydroelectric Facility Improvements project.
PBI recently began three new projects for the City of Folsom: Crestridge Lane Water Main Replacement Project, LaCollina Del Lago Pump Station Hydro Tank Replacement, and Reservoir no. 1 Improvements Project.
Congratulations to PBI Staff Engineer Vadim Demchuk on his marriage to Elena Vederis Saturday, August 30, 2014. Welcome to the PBI family, Elena!
PBI’s third company camping trip to Jenkinson Lake in Sly Park was the first weekend of August. The weather was picture perfect and the campsite was amazing. Thank you to all who came out to enjoy this annual family event.
Photos from previous years.
Peterson Brustad Inc. is proud to announce the addition of our newest staff engineers, Ashley Martin and Ryan Dunne. They are a great addition to our growing team of engineers. Welcome Ashley and Ryan!
Our latest project win is a joint contract with the Cities of Lathrop and Manteca for services related to the Urban Levee Design Criteria Analysis and Identification of Deficiencies for the RD 17 Levees.