Smith Canal Closure Device

Stockton, CA


San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency (SJAFCA)

Services Provided

Project Duration

2009 – Present


Computer rendering of proposed Smith Canal gate structure

Project Summary

Since 2008, the area surrounding Smith Canal has been mapped as a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), when the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) revoked the accreditation of the levees surrounding Smith Canal. PBI designed flood control closure devices that enable FEMA 100-Year accreditation for the Smith Canal while meeting California’s new ULDC standards for levees.  The closure gate will be operated to prevent tidal flooding during high tides events, while maintaining navigational access for boats into Smith Canal.  Work involves hydrologic, hydraulic, geotechnical, and structural analysis and preparation of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision for FEMA review and approval.