CCWD Jenny Lind / Copper Cove Master Plans

PBI has been awarded the Water System Master Plan Update project for the Jenny Lind and Copper Cove water treatment plants by the Calaveras County Water District.  The project includes using hydraulic modeling to locate deficiencies in the existing water supply system and predicting the future needs of the system.  A list of proposed projects will be developed from the hydraulic study to help Calaveras County Water District meet current and future demands.


Colusa County Floodplain Mapping Services

PBI has been awarded the Floodplain Mapping Service project by Colusa County. PBI will provide technical guidance and support to the County as they progress through FEMA floodplain certification and remapping of the region.  This includes participating in FEMA’s LAMP process, reviewing existing H&H information provided by FEMA and conducting an independent H&H study to verify the results developed by FEMA.
